Sunday, December 6, 2015

Entry #9 My Media

     My first thoughts on how I see media now relates to the San Bernardino shooting. We recently watched a video in class talking about how the news/media leave certain information out for specific reasons. They leave out things like race or gender in certain cases to play down the truth of what happened. After the San Bernardino shooting I was curious to see how the media would react so I watched the news for the first few days following the shooting. It bothered me that they weren't mentioning important information like the race of the people involved in the shootings. In fact, they specifically mentioned that we should not make any quick assumptions that this was a terrorist attack. 

Here the family lawyer of Syed Rizwan Farook stated that their is no connection to isis affiliation, but the very next thing I see in the news is that they found a connection to ISIS.  The police know who they shoot the minute they take off the mask of the suspect, so why hide it only for it to come out later. Now I know they cannot make claims that they are muslim or radical islamics but they can say it the minute they find out, and they find out much sooner then we do.  The reason behind all this I believe is to try to save face of the muslim community; they don't want people to start making the assumption that all muslims are like this. It is true that you cannot blame everyone in a race/religion for a few peoples actions but the truth is the truth; the news/media should not make light of the situation. If they do not know who did it then they shouldn't put their 2 cents in and say things they know nothing about. Let the truth come out on its own and stop hiding things fro the people. 

     Heres another example of taking advantage of the media. Its no secret that Obama has been trying to pass gun laws that will strip law abiding citizens of their rights to bear arms as stated in the second amendment. Right after the San Bernardino "attack" Obama takes advantage of the media and proposes that more gun control laws should be in place. Watch it here:

     Instead of sympathy or action of what we will do to stop terrorist Obama says we should have stricter gun policies. I for one do not wish to give up my right to bear arms, I would rather have my weapons and not need them then to need them and not have them. I don't watch the news much but after learning about the media in class I have been starting to pay attention to the little things that people normally don't pick up on. Lets hope that our media will share the truth instead of hide the truth.  Until next time!

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