Friday, December 4, 2015

Entry #8 Dreams vs. Life is their neutral ground?

     What is a dream? I'm not talking about the dreams you have when you fall asleep, although some people dream about their dreams. I'm talking about your dreams in life, what your passionate about, the thing that motivates you to go above and beyond to get a taste of it. By life I mean society's definition of being responsible: a responsible parent, husband or wife, or just a responsible adult. Should you give up your dreams to be responsible? Should you give up on your responsibilities to pursue a dream? Is there an in-between?
     Everyones dreams are different. Dreams can include many things such as: being a professional athlete, making tons of money, owning many homes, as well as being very responsible and financially stable. Dreams make you feel determined, accomplished, happy and sad, driven and so many other mixed emotions can come along as you chase a dream. Dreams may come at a cost, you may have to make sacrifices, some maybe easy and some may be life changing the decision is ultimately yours. 

      Being responsible comes at cost as well. You may feel like you've lost out on some of life's greater moments or you may feel a sense of accomplishment, that all your sacrifices you've made were the right choices. Being a young parent for example can leave you making this difficult decision; do you give up on your dreams, do you continue schooling in search of a greater career or do you go out and get a job right away starting from the bottom and working your way up.

    Lets talk about the possibility of doing both. Is it possible? How would it work? Will I have the time? Everyday these questions run through peoples minds and they need to make a decision. Without guidance or someone who's been their to help talk you through your options it may feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. One thing I feel you need to decide is wether or not you can balance both. The time constraint of doing both can weigh on you causing you to be frustrated, upset, and depressed; as well as take a toll on you physically making you not able to perform at work, on the field or where ever your dreams or goals take you. 
     Another thing to be aware of is how it will affect you financially? Can you be financially responsible while you chase your dreams? I know many people chasing their dream while taking care of business at home; wether being the breadwinner in the family or being a contributor while the husband or wife works. Some of these people have children and do a very good job raising them and spending quality time with them. Some struggle and some live comfortably. I have friends who live their dream and live very well off and I have friends that are struggling with the balance of it all. The fact is it is possible to have both; you just need to find balance in both. So don't give up on a dream just to be a responsible person unless you know you'll be able to live with it. People regret dumping their dreams all the time and some can live with it and some end up taking it out on the other people around them. Just make sure you take a look at yourself before making any major decisions. Best of luck!

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