Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Entry #6 The Coffee Shop

What do you like about coffee shops? Is it the coffee, the free wifi, the conversation, the music, the art collection dangling on the wall, or is it the service? Whatever it may be that keeps you coming back for more; the fact is your hooked. How do you feel when you don't find what you're looking for? What if the service is crap, or worse the coffee? How does that make you feel?

     As luck has it, I'm writing to you from a coffee shop. Have you ever been to Grinders? well let me take you there. Nestled on the corner of N Central Ave. and E Dunlap in Arizona is Grinders coffee company. As I walk into to the door I notice the little chime that is usually followed by a "Hello" or "Good-morning", and sure enough I here a voice from behind the counter say " Hello, How are you?". "Good" I respond as I make my way to the counter. I notice all the usual things you'd find in a coffee store. I give my eyes a quick gaze of the room: the lighting is dimmer than that of a usual store (although the sun beats through the glass windows), pictures hanging on the wall from local artist, coffee all around the store, people scattered about; some are chatting with one another while others are on their laptops or phones. I also hear the nice mellow music playing in the background, and best of all the smell of the coffee beans. The mixed variety of cultures in the room is always nice along with the mix of generations, the older people sitting around a small 4 seat table, the young man playing on his phone, a woman sitting there with her laptop open staring off into space, the workers coming in for their coffee break, and the randoms sitting outside enjoying the brisk air with a side of coffee. Everyone seems so nice, a "thank you" here and "your welcome" their; it  makes you feel comfortable. I place my order and have seat on an empty table big enough to fit my laptop. I realize that I forgot to get the wifi info; as i get ready to stand a gentlemen at the counter asks for the information. I just sit back and ease drop for the password and log in. I wonder what people think of me as I sit here typing away. So many people walk into coffee shops on a daily bases from all walks of life. What an interesting place to come to; this is my type of coffee shop.

     I've had the pleasure of traveling to many different places; It has led me to many different coffee shops in the US and some in Canada as well. For the most part they are always pretty similar unless you go into the big chain shops like Starbucks or Tim Hortons. The one thing I definitely notice is coffee is a money maker; no matter where you go in the world you are bound to run into a coffee shop. Maybe you have a favorite one around the corner from your house or maybe you drive a little ways for a better brew. All I know is that it's good and it sells. The next time you drop into your coffee shop or a random one take a look around, see whats on the walls or listen to the chatter around you; you're sure to be entertained. Until next time, enjoy your coffee and have a great day!


  1. Over the past couple years i have grown to love coffee. Ive never really observed a coffee shop like you have but ill have to try. Grinders isnt too far from my my route to work ill have to try their coffee sometime.

    1. Definitely try it! It's a cool little coffee shop; I had my truck in the shop near by and they recommended it.
