Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Entry #5 Arizona State University

     Going to college may seem like the obvious choice for most students out of high school however, many young adults choose otherwise. Students have options of: joining the military, going to work or pursuing other endeavors. Which ever may be the case a good portion of those students will probably end up back in college sooner or later. This is very true for our military as well; everyone who joins the military will have some kind of education benefit that will be used by them or their family. That along with financial aid, grants, and scholarships give us more and more reason to pop open those school books. After figuring out how to pay for school the next step is to find a school that fits you and thats where the logo above fits in.

     Arizona State University (ASU) offers many degree programs. It seems that they have now figured a way to shorten your semester, save you money, and shorten the amount of time it takes to get your degree. They are now offering 7 1/2 week courses! Thats 1/2 the normal semester of 15 weeks; the length of time may be shorter but the actual in class time will remain the same. So how might this affect you? It doesn't, unless you decide to take the course. The great thing is they still offer the same classes in a normal 15 week semester; they just decided to offer more options for others. 

     I think its great that they are offering more options. Some people have dependents, jobs, or other obligations that may hold them back from committing to a 15 week course; their are also those students who like to keep busy. As long as it doesn't affect the normal schedule for those students who are use to the 15 week courses it shouldn't matter. I know I sure would like to finish my degree quicker. I give a big thumbs up to ASU!     


  1. I agree with ASU decision to add more of these classes as well. After taking this english accelerated class I see the benefits that it offers students.

  2. I agree with ASU decision to add more of these classes as well. After taking this english accelerated class I see the benefits that it offers students.
