Thursday, November 5, 2015

Entry # 4 Dealing with Anger and Stress

Today I'd like to talk about anger, stress, and frustration. Specifically how it affects us and what we can do about it.

 The 3 things they have in common is they're all negative emotions and can cause us to do dramatic things. Take this guy punching a hole through his computer screen for example, what did he accomplish by doing this? The truth is he accomplished nothing; he will likely be more upset, angry frustrated or stressed out because now he has a useless computer that he is going to have to replace. Some people say or do things out of anger that may cause them to hurt someone physically and/or emotional. What have they accomplishes by doing this? Nothing!!! When you react out of anyone of these emotions the likely outcome will not be good. Think to yourself how do people feel around you when you act that way. Are they proud of you? Do they want to hang out with you? chances are they don't really want to be around unless they're a good friend trying to help you out. Remember the old saying "misery loves company." Well its true, if your miserable, angry, frustrated or stressed out; chances are your gonna take it out on those nearest and dearest to you which will make them feel the same way and so on and so on... Enough about that, take a look at the last time you looked like one of these people. Remember that moment and think about how long it lasted, 5...10...15...minutes, all day, all night or maybe something so bad happened that you let it ruin your whole week. Was the issue at hand worth being angry over or was it something that you blew out of proportion? The person who hurt you so badly, are they still in your life?

     All this leads to my main point "TIME!" It's probably the most important aspect of life; it is something that not even money can buy more of, so why waste it on nonsense! Now I'm not saying that you don't have valid reasons to be upset, angry, frustrated or stressed; even I get stressed and overwhelmed from time to time. What I am saying though is don't let it get carried away, don't let it destroy your relationship with others, and don't let it waste any of your precious time. When your upset all day about something and you get over it the next day because you realize it wasn't as bad as you thought then you've just wasted a whole day that you can never get back. Thats right you'll never get that time back, its gone. Think about the situation at hand and don't let others steal your time or make you do something you'll regret doing later. Worst case scenario: you go to prison for being angry and hurting someone or worse killing someone. Let's stop, take a deep breath and realize that life is short, and no one can ruin your day without your permission. Brush off that negativity that surrounds you and live for yourself the way you want to live. If someone irritates you stay away from them; if someone hurts you choose to forgive them or stay away from them as well. When you want to punch a hole in the wall think about how much its gonna cost you to fix it, and laugh!!! When you wanna punch someone in the face, think about the beautiful view you'll have in that comfy little cell in prison and laugh.       Make your choice because you're the one who has to live with it.


  1. Very interesting read! I'm guilty when it comes to stressing over the littlest things. My way of coping with stress is having a nice cup of hot cocoa.
    But you're absolutely right, don't get too consumed by stress. No good ever comes from it.

  2. I agree with Mariah. I very easily get stressed with my heavy work, school, and family life. But then I think to myself.. I am so blessed to have all these opportunities and I chose these things to happen so I need to be grateful and not worked up over them. I just take a deep breath and keep chugging along!

  3. I used to stress out and get angry really quick but have exercised different methods to help me.. the biggest one that helped me the most was to take a couple minutes and think things through before taking action. I am a whole lot better now! ;)

  4. I totally agree with you man. Its a waste of time to get mad over something when you can easily over come it and not let it affect you. I used to let things affect me but now I just take a few deep breathes and keep on with my day.

  5. I totally agree with you man. Its a waste of time to get mad over something when you can easily over come it and not let it affect you. I used to let things affect me but now I just take a few deep breathes and keep on with my day.
