Saturday, October 31, 2015

Entry # 2- The best thing about moving

 Doesn't this sound interesting "the best thing about moving". You must be thinking that moving sucks, and although thats true the best thing about moving is you find out who your true friends are. You may be the guy or gal that love to go out of your way to help your friends in need wether: listening, cleaning, buying lunch, or moving. But until you actually have to move you won't know who is really gonna sacrifice their time to hang out with you while you move; you may already know who your shady friends are and who your true friends are because you've moved a couple times already hahaha! but the fact remains people say they will be there and don't show or make up some excuse of why they can't make it. A real friend will make the time to help you move, a real friend won't ask for money for helping, and a real friend will be smiling while they help you. Hope you enjoyed the read and good luck on your next move...

Entry # 1- How do I feel about Blogs?

     So I've never really knew too much about blogging or had any interest in checking out blogs, but after combing through a few of them I found myself quite interested. People blog about all sorts of stuff; there are some very inspirational and informative blogs out there. Here's one of my favorites.
     I found this blog very informative, there's so many random topics that your bound to find something that interests you. That along with questions, comments, answers, and links could have you reading for awhile. Some of the information might even seem useless, but useless to who? What I enjoy reading might not interest someone else and vise-versa.
    After reading a good blog like that of marginal revolution, it was a bummer to come across this next blog. This blog was probably the worst that I've read so far. Right from the start you get a negative vibe and bad language.As if that wasn't enough for me to stop reading already   I decided to read a few other articles written, and sure enough more of the same. I don't enjoy being around negative people therefore I don't like reading negative things. People say all the time "well what about the news"? Their is always negative news being reported, but its interesting news about the area you live in. When the news starts to drag on about negative things that don't apply to me I shut it off.
    Finally the last blog I will write to you about is off of the top 50 blogger blogs, rating in at #25  Dumb little man At first glance this blog may sound like its going to belittle men, but it actually has some really good ideas that you can benefit from. With multiple titles and authors writing on this site I'm sure you'll find something interest. Here's a few titles to give you an idea 9 Simple Tricks to Supercharge Your whole Day4 Reasons Why We Never Give Ourselves the Advice We Would Give to a FriendWhat To Say To a Girl You Just Met, and Reaching a Goal? Here’s 10 Common Fears that May Derail You. Sounds pretty interesting right? I thought you'd like that. Well thats some of the blogs that I've read through, their were more but ill save it for next time. So as we say in Hawaii "A Hui Hou" which means until next time or goodbye!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Who am I?

                                                                  In the moment!

The beginning of a 3 day, 16 mile round trip hike through the lava fields of the Big Island.

Hunting in Hawaii with my dog Naya

Scuba dive off the boat in Maui!

 So as you can see I am a very active person. I enjoy many things, and am willing to try just about anything once. That just about sums up who I am. I hope you enjoyed looking at and reading my very first Blog!